· 支持 Intel® Core™ i7/ i5 处理器
· Mobile Intel® QM57 PCH
· Dual Intel® 千兆以太网接口
· Dual VGA or VGA/ DVI 独立显示
· 3 x RS232 和 1 x RS232/ 422/ 485 自动流控制
· 5th RS232 (option: 4x digital input, 4x digital output)
· Support 9V to 30V DC power input
· 支持 ATX 电源模式和 PXE/ WoL
NISE 3500P2 (P/N: 10J00350002X0) RoHS Compliant
Intel® Core™ i7/ i5 fanless system with two PCI expansion slots
NISE 3500P2E (P/N: 10J00350004X0) RoHS Compliant
Intel® Core™ i7/ i5 fanless system with one PCI and one PCIe x1 expansion sots (MoQ is required)
NISE 3500E2 (P/N: 10J00350005X0) RoHS Compliant
Intel® Core™ i7/ i5 fanless system with two PCIe x1 expansion slots (MoQ is required, not in UL model list
NISE 3500P2E4 (P/N: 10J00350017X0) RoHS Compliant
Intel® Core™ i7/ i5 fanless system with one PCI and one PCIe x4 expansion
slots (MoQ is required, not in UL model list)
19V, 120W AC/DC power adapter w/o power core (P/N: 7410120002X00